Screen Display

Overexposure Warning during Playback

In “Detailed Information Display” (p. 199), overexposed areas of the image flash on the screen.

Histogram during Playback



Dark Bright

The graph that appears in “Detailed Information Display” (p. 199) is called the histogram. The histogram shows the distribution of brightness in an image horizontally, and the amount of brightness vertically. When the graph approaches the right side, the image is bright, but when it approaches the left side, the image is dark, and in this way you can judge the exposure.

The histogram can also be displayed while shooting (p. 196).

RGB Histogram

If you press the obutton in “Detailed



Information Display”, the RGB histogram will



appear. The RGB histogram shows the



distribution of shades of red, blue and green



in an image. The shades of each color are



shown horizontally, and the amount of each



shade vertically. In this way you can judge

RGB Histogram

the color balance of an image.

Press the obutton again to restore “Detailed Information Display”.