Shooting in 8 Mode (Quick Shot Mode)
Use the viewfinder (p. 89) to shoot. The camera continuously adjusts the focus and exposure on the subject in the viewfinder, so you never miss a photo opportunity.
Enter 8mode.● Set the mode dial to 8.
XThe screen in Step 2 displays.
Adjust the settings.●After pressing the mbutton, press the opqrbuttons or turn the Êdial to choose an item.
●Turn the ÷dial to choose an option, then press the mbutton.
● ressing the lbutton will turn off the screen. ress once more to restore the screen.
Adjust the focus and exposure.● Arrange your subject in the viewfinder. XIf a face is detected, the focus and exposure
will continue to adjust on the face.
XIf no faces are detected, the focus and exposure will continue to adjust on the subject in the center of the viewfinder.
●When you want to take a picture, press the shutter button halfway, then quickly press the shutter button fully.
XThe image will be displayed on the screen.
Approximate Number of Shots That Can Be Taken in 8ModeIn 8mode, the camera is continuously adjusting focus and exposure, rapidly depleting the battery. The approximate number of shots that can be taken is 310 (p. 14).