4Within 2 minutes, touch [OK] on the camcorder's screen.

You can touch [Stop] and then [OK] to interrupt the Wi-Fi Protected Setup while it is in progress.

5Touch [Automatic] to automatically obtain an IP address.

To assign the IP address manually, touch [Manual] and perform the procedure in To manually assign an IP address below.

A screen to test the settings will appear.6Select whether to test the settings.You can touch [Check Current Configuration] to review the network settings.

If you touched [Yes], a test of the settings will be performed and a confirmation screen will appear. Touch [OK].

7Save the settings of the connection point. [Yes] >[OK]* >[X]

* After touching [OK], you can review the network settings. Touch [Wi-Fi Setup]

>[Check Current Configuration] >Desired connection point >[Î] or [Í]

>[K] three times when finished.

To manually assign an IP address (step 5)After touching [Manual] in step 5:

Touch the field under [IP Address] or [Subnet Mask] > Enter* the IP address or subnet mask >[OK] >Enter the default gateway >[OK] >Enter the default primary and secondary DNS servers >[OK] >Continue to step 6

*An interface similar to the virtual keyboard for text fields (A88) will appear except it will contain only the keys necessary for this step.

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