[Preferences] Dialog Box

[Preview at the Selects the preview operation when you Start of ScanGear] open the ScanGear MF.

Clicking [Preferences] on the [Advanced Mode] tab sheet opens the [Preferences] dialog box. This dialog box enables you to adjust settings for scanning and previewing.

[Preview] Tab

[Cropping Frame on Previewed Images]

[Automatically Execute Preview]:

The preview scan starts automatically when you open the ScanGear MF.

[Display Saved Preview Image]: Displays the image last previewed.


Nothing is displayed.

Sets how the cropping frame is displayed when you preview images.

[Execute Auto Cropping on Previewed Images]:

The image will be automatically cropped to match the document size.

[Display the Last Frame on Previewed Images]:

Displays the last frame.


No frame will be displayed.