Monoport inshot burners produce precise
The 48SS units meet California Air Quality Management NOx requirement of 40 nanograms/ joule or less when NOx kit
no. CRLOWNOX001A00 is installed.
Durable, dependable components
Top quality, top reliability compo- nents are designed and tested for a minimum of 15 years of operation under the harshest conditions. Every 48SS unit is thoroughly
at the factory in each operating mode, and is evacuated prior to ®nal charging.
Compressors are designed for high ef®ciency. Each compressor is her- metically sealed against contamination to help promote longer life and de- pendable operation. Each compressor also has vibration isolation to pro- vide quiet operation. All compressors have internal
size 018. Reciprocating compressors are standard on unit sizes
Dimpled heat exchangers optimize heat transfer for improved ef®ciency. The tubular design permits hot gases to stay in close contact with the cell walls to maximize heat transfer and ef®ciency.
The induced draft combustion system eliminates the unsightly ap- pearance of ¯ue stacks, and diminishes the effects of wind on heating opera- tion. The induced draft also pre- vents contaminants from entering the supply air if a leak in the heat ex- changer occurs.
Refrigerant system is designed to provide dependability. Liquid refriger- ant strainers are used to promote clean, unrestricted operation. Each unit leaves the factory with a full refrig- erant charge. Refrigerant service connections make checking operating pressures easier.
Evaporator and condenser coils are
Condenser coil is fabricated of copper tube and aluminum ®ns and is lo- cated inside the unit for protection against damage for long life and reli- able operation. The condenser coil
is internally mounted and protected by a composite grille. Copper ®n coils are also available from the factory by special order. These coils are rec- ommended in applications where alu- minum ®ns are likely to be damaged due to corrosion and are ideal for sea- coast applications.
Low sound ratings ensure a quiet indoor and outdoor environment with sound ratings as low as 7.4 bels.
Easy to service cabinets provide easy accessibility to serviceable com- ponents during maintenance and installation. Rounded corners are an important safety feature, and a high quality ®nish ensures an attractive appearance.
Optional base rails provide holes for rigging and forklifts as well as an elevated mounting frame that pro- vides structural support for horizon- tal installations. Ideal for light commercial applications.
Down¯ow option unit is converted for down¯ow at the factory to al- low vertical ductwork connections. Unit is equipped with base rail.
Low and high voltage electrical entries allow low and high voltage to be brought in through either the front duct panel or rear ¯ue panel.
Integrated gas unit controller (IGC) contains all the ignition compo- nents and is easily accessible for ser- vice. The IGC provides
Weatherized cabinets are con- structed of
No. 62, with use of a sloped conden- sate pan. An external drain trap is required.
The standard control system is readily adaptable to all conventional and programmable thermostats. In addition, units are suitable for integra- tion into monitor control systems if required.
Standardized components for the complete 48SS line of products are found in all safety devices, condenser- fan motors,