Using Auto Accompaniment

FINGERED 1, 2, and 3CASIO CHORD Fingering


With these three input modes, you finger 3-note or 4-note

Chord TypeExample

chords on the accompaniment keyboard. Note that with some

Major Chords

C (C Major)

chords, even if you do not finger the third or fifth note, they will

Letters above the accompaniment


be played anyway.

C C#DEb E F F#G Ab A Bb B C C#DEb E F

keyboard indicate the chord




Accompaniment keyboard

assigned to each key. Pressing a



single accompaniment area key in



the CASIO CHORD mode will play



the major chord whose name is



marked above the key. All of the



accompaniment area keys that are



marked with the same chord name



play exactly the same chord.


Play the component notes of the chord on

Minor Chords

Cm (C Minor)

the keyboard.

To play a minor chord, press the

C C#DEb E F F#G Ab A Bb B C C#DEb E F


accompaniment area key that



corresponds to the major chord,


while also pressing one other


Unlike FINGERED 1, 6th input is not


accompaniment area key to the


possible. m7 or m7b5 is input.





Seventh Chords

C7 (C Seventh)


To play a seventh chord, press the

C C#DEb E F F#G Ab A Bb B C C#DEb E F

Unlike FINGERED 1, allows input of

accompaniment area key that


corresponds to the major chord,


fraction chords with the lowest keyboard


while also pressing two other


note as the bass note.


accompaniment area keys to the







CASIO CHORDMinor Seventh Chords


With CASIO CHORD, you can use

To play a minor seventh chord,

(C Minor Seventh)

simplified fingerings to play the four types

press the accompaniment area key

C C#DEb E F F#G Ab A Bb B C C#DEb E F

of chords described below.

that corresponds to the major



chord, while also pressing three


Accompaniment keyboard

other accompaniment area keys to


the right.





• When playing a minor, seventh, or minor seventh chord, it


makes no different whether the additional keys you press


are black or white.






With this mode, you can use the full range


of the keyboard to play chords and the






Accompaniment keyboard / Melody keyboard
