Shooting with “Multi-motion Image” assumes that the subject is moving and changing positions. Trying to use it to shoot a subject that is moving while maintaining the same location (such as a golf swing, a baseball swing, etc.) will cause an error message to appear on the monitor screen and failure of image recording, or will produce an image in which the shots of the subject are arranged incorrectly.

Multi-motion will not operate correctly if you shake or move the camera along with the movement of the subject.

If an error message appears on the monitor screen, either secure the camera so it does not move or shoot against a different type of background.

If not enough CS images are recorded, an error will be displayed before the camera starts to place the isolated subject onto the stationary background. This can be caused if you release the shutter button too soon when recording the moving subject. Keep the shutter button fully depressed long enough to allow recording of more images.

Choose a shooting angle so the colors, shapes, and patterns of the moving subject and the background are as different as possible.

Avoid a shooting angle where the background is monotone or mono-pattern (such as a clear blue sky).

The camera may not be able to compose the final image if the intervals between movements are so narrow the subject shots overlap. If this happens, increase the interval by using the control panel to select a slower “High Speed CS fps” setting (page 50).