•Digital Print Order Format (DPOF) (page 174)
Images can be printed easily in the sequence you want using a DPOF compatible printer. DPOF can also be used when specifying images and quantities for printing by professional print services.
•PRINT Image Matching III Compatible (page 182) Images include PRINT Image Matching III data (mode setting and other camera setup information). A printer that supports PRINT Image Matching III reads this data and adjusts the printed image accordingly, so your images come out just the way you intended when you recorded them.
•PictBridge support (page 177)
Connect directly to a PictBridge compatible printer and you can print images without going through a computer.
•Transfer images to a computer simply by connecting the camera with a USB cable (pages 183, 200)
•USB 2.0
•Connect the camera to a TV with the AV cable and use the TV screen for image recording and viewing (page 149)
•Ulead Movie Wizard SE VCD (page 212)
Bundled Ulead Movie Wizard SE VCD software lets you edit movie files on your computer and create Video CDs. Software can be upgraded to convert files so they can be played by a DVD player.
•Bundled with Photo Loader and Photohands (pages 204, 207, 216)
Your camera comes bundled with Photo Loader, the popular application that automatically loads images from your camera to your PC. It also comes with Photohands, and application that makes image retouching quick and easy.