Capturing a Still Image from a Movie
The MOTION PRINT feature lets you capture a frame from an existing movie and create a still image that is suitable for printing. There are two layouts you can use when capturing an image, and the layout you select determines the final image size.
•9 frames (1600 ⋅
Background images
Selected main image
•1 frame (640 ⋅
Selected main image
■To capture a still image from a movie
1.In the PLAY mode, use [] and [] to scroll through movies on the monitor screen and display the one that contains the frames you want.
2.Press [MENU].
3.Select the “PLAY” tab, select “MOTION PRINT”, and then press [].
4.Use [] and [] to select the layout (“1 frame” or “9 frames”) you want to use.
•Select “Cancel” to exit the MOTION PRINT mode.