Capturing a Still Image from a Movie


The MOTION PRINT feature lets you capture a frame from an existing movie and create a still image that is suitable for printing. There are two layouts you can use when capturing an image, and the layout you select determines the final image size.

9 frames (1600 1200-pixel final image size)

Background images

Selected main image

1 frame (640 480-pixel final data size)

Selected main image

To capture a still image from a movie

1.In the PLAY mode, use [￿] and [￿] to scroll through movies on the monitor screen and display the one that contains the frames you want.

2.Press [MENU].

3.Select the “PLAY” tab, select “MOTION PRINT”, and then press [￿].

4.Use [￿] and [￿] to select the layout (“1 frame” or “9 frames”) you want to use.

Select “Cancel” to exit the MOTION PRINT mode.