Program the Travel Limits

Travel limits regulate the points at which the door will stop when moving up or down. Follow the steps below to set the limits.


Without a properly installed safety reversal system, persons (particularly small children) could be SERIOUSLY INJURED or KILLED by a closing garage door.

Incorrect adjustment of garage door travel limits will interfere with proper operation of safety reversal system.

NEVER use force adjustments to compensate for a binding or sticking garage door.

If one control (force or travel limits) is adjusted, the other control may also need adjustment.

After ANY adjustments are made, the safety reversal system MUST be tested. Door MUST reverse on contact with 1-1/2" high object (or 2x4 laid flat) on floor.

To program the travel limits:

1.Press and hold the black button until the yellow indicator light starts flashing slowly then release.

2.Push and hold the black button until the door reaches the desired UP (open) position (Figure 2). Adjust the position of the door by using the black and purple buttons. Black moves the door UP (open) and purple moves the door DOWN (close).

Check to be sure the door opens high enough for your vehicle.

NOTE: Refer to previous page for correct door position for one-piece door.

3.Push the remote control or door control (Figure 3). This sets the UP (open) limit and begins closing the door. Press either the black or purple button before the door hits the floor. The door will stop.

Adjust the desired DOWN (close) limit position using the black and purple buttons (Figure 4). Check to be sure the door is fully closed without applying excessive pressure on the rail (rail should not bow upwards and the belt should not sag or droop below the rail). Push the remote control or door control (Figure 3). This sets the DOWN (close) limit and begins opening the door.

NOTE: If neither the black nor the purple button is pressed, the door will reverse off the floor and the DOWN travel limit will be set automatically.


To prevent damage to vehicles, be sure fully open door provides adequate clearance.

Figure 2

Push and hold

until the doorBLACK PURPLE is at desired UP


4.Open and close the door with the remote control or door control 2 or 3 times.

If the door does not stop in the desired UP (open) position or reverses before the door stops at the DOWN (close) position, proceed to Adjustment Step 2 Setting the Force.

If the door stops in both the desired UP (open) and DOWN (close) positions, proceed to Adjustment Step 3, Test the Safety Reversal System.