24Limit Adjustment
Run the opener through a complete travel cycle. Limit adjustments are not necessary when the door opens and closes completely and doesn't reverse unintentionally in the fully closed position.
Locate the orange button (1) on the back panel of motor unit. Push the orange button twice to enter into Force Setting Mode.
NOTE: Repeated operation of the opener during adjustment procedures may cause motor to overheat and shut off. Allow a 15 minute cooling period after 5 continuous operations of the opener.
Read the following carefully before proceeding to Force Adjustment. Use a screwdriver to make limit adjustments.
If Door Doesn't Open Completely but Opens at Least 1,5m (5 feet): Increase up travel. Turn the up limit adjustment screw (3) clockwise. One turn equals 5cm (2") of travel.
If door does not open at least 1,5m (5 feet). Adjust force, see Force Adjustment: Place the opener into the Force Adjustment Mode, see Force Adjustment.
If Door Doesn't Close Completely: If door arm is at maximum length, increase down travel. Turn down limit adjustment screw (2) counterclockwise. One turn equals 5cm (2") of travel. If the door still will not close completely, the header bracket is positioned too high.
If Opener Reverses in Fully Closed Position: Decrease down travel. Turn down limit adjustment screw (2) clockwise. One turn equals 5cm (2") of travel.
If Door Reverses when Closing and there is no Interference to Travel Cycle: Test door for binding. Pull manual release handle. Manually open and close door. If door is binding, call a door serviceman. If door is not binding or unbalanced, place the opener into the Force Setting Mode, see Force Settings.
PROCEED TO STEP 25 “FORCE SETTINGS” TO COMPLETE STEP 24 “LIMIT ADJUSTMENT”. Forces must be learned in order for limit adjustments to operate properly.
25Force Settings
The force, as measured on the closing edge of the door, should not exceed 400N (40kg). If the closing force is measured to more than 400N, the Protector System must be installed See step 27.
The force setting button is located on the back panel of the motor unit. The force setting regulates the amount of power required to open and close the door. If the forces are set too light, door travel may be interrupted by nuisance reversals in the down direction and stops in the up direction.
Locate the orange button (1) on the back panel of motor unit. Push the orange button twice to enter into Force Setting Mode. The LED (Indicator Light) will flash. Push the wall control or the programmed remote control that was shipped with your opener. The door will travel to either the OPEN or CLOSE position. Push the button again, the door will travel to the opposite position. Push the button again if the LED is stilling blinking.
The door must travel through a complete cycle UP and DOWN in order for the force to be set properly. If the unit stops before it reaches the Open or Close Limit repeat the process. The LED (indicator light) will stop flashing when the force has been learned.
To restore factory force settings, first enter force learn mode by pressing the orange button twice. With the door open, press and hold the wall control until door is fully closed.
26Test the Safety Reverse System
The safety reverse system test is important. Garage door must reverse on contact with a 40mm obstacle laid flat on the floor. Failure to properly adjust opener may result in serious personal injury from a closing garage door. Repeat test once a month and adjust as needed.
Procedure: Place a 40mm obstacle (1) laid flat on the floor under the garage door. Operate the door in the down direction. The door must reverse on the obstruction. If the door stops on the obstruction, it is not traveling far enough in the down direction. Increase the down limit by turning down limit adjustment screw counterclockwise 1/4 turn. Repeat test.
When the door reverses on the 40mm obstacle, remove the obstruction and run the opener through a complete travel cycle. Door must not reverse in closed position. If it does, adjust Limits and Force and repeat safety reverse test.
Place 20kg at the center of the door and ensure that the door will not move up more than 500mm.