To understand URI encoding and its recommended syntax for submitting query strings, see RFC 1630 at
Step 4 To change the DMP Web Account password on one DMP by using DMPDM, select Administration > DMP Web Account. Enter your new password in the Password field, enter it again in the Repeat Password field, then click Apply. Next, select Administration > Save Configuration, then click Save.
Alternatively, you can use
a.Select Digital Media Players > Advanced Tasks > System Tasks, then click the blank page icon to create a new system task.
b.Enter a name and description for the new task, then select Set from the Request Type list.
c.In the Request text box, use the correct syntax for URI encoding and enter mibifc.user=admin&mibifc.password=new_passwor d&, where new_password is exactly the password that you want to assign to the DMP Web Account user.