Dialing a number from the Phone Book
•Select an entry and click Dial.
The Sounds Web page lets you select the ringer sound and the dial tone.
Opening the Sounds Web page
•Click Sounds in the navigation pane.
Changing the ringer sound
Step 1 Select a ringer sound from the list box.
There are five ringer sounds: Pro, Biz, Euro, Chirp, Bell, and also Ringer Off. Step 2 Click Set Ringer.
Step 3 Click Test Ringer to hear the sound you selected.
Note If you select Ringer Off, the ringer sound on the IP Conference Station is turned off.
Time & Date
The Time & Date Web page lets you change the time and date formats that display in the LCD screen.
Opening the Time & Date Web page
•Click Time & Date in the navigation pane.
Changing the time format
•Select the
•Select the
•Click Change to save your changes.