Cisco IP/TV Viewer User Guide
Chapter4 Using IP/TV Viewer
Advanced Topics
Step2 Enter your topic in the Subject field and your question in the Question field.
Step3 Click Submit.
When you click Submit, your question will go to the moderator along with the
username and e-mail address you entered in the IP/TV Viewer User Info d ial og
box (accessed through Settings > User Information in the IP/TV Viewer main
window). If no e-mail address or user name was provided, the m odera tor w ill
receive the question from “anonymous.
Advanced Topics
System administrators can choose from a list of DirectShow Filter Property
windows and set operating parameters, perform advanced diagnostics, or adjust
FlashWare options that can affect IP/TV Viewer performance. The list of
properties windows is available when a program is playing and differs depending
on the codec used.
In the viewer window, choose Edit > Ad vanced Opt ions. The DirectShow Filter
Property windows for filters that are installed with IP/TV are described. Property
windows for other third-party filters, such as a hardware MPEG deco de r, are also
Choose Controls > Advanced Options. The DirectShow Filter Property windows
for the filters that are installed with IP/TV are MPEG Video Decoder, MPEG
Audio Decoder, and the FlashWare Source Filter. Property windows for other
third-party filters, such as a hardware MPEG decoder, are also shown:
MPEG Video Decoder
This property window lets you select either monochrome or col or as t h e
default setting. It also shows read-only information about the video stream,
such as video settings, frame rate, and bit rate.