Client Quality of Service
Policy Map
Cisco Small Business WAP551 and WAP561 Wireless-N Access Point 123
•VLAN ID—A VLAN ID to be matched for packets. The VLAN ID range is
from 0 to 4095.
The following Service Type fields show for IPv4 only. You can specify one type
of service to use in matching packets to class criteria.
•IP DSCP—A differentiated services code point (DSCP) value to use as a
match criterion:
-Select from List—A list of DSCP types.
-Match to Value—A DSCP value that you specify, from 0 to 63.
•IP Precedence (IPv4 only)—Matches the packet's IP Precedence value to
the class criteria IP Precedence value. The IP Precedence range is from 0 to
•IP TOS Bits (IPv4 only)—Uses the packet's Type of Service bits in the IP
header as match criteria.
The IP TOS bit value ranges between (00 to FF). The high-order three bits
represent the IP Precedence value. The high-order six bits represent the IP
Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value.
STEP 3 Click Save. The changes are saved to the Startup Configuration.
NOTE To delete a class map, select it in the Class Map Name list and click Delete. The
class map cannot be deleted if it is already attached to a policy.
Policy MapPackets are classified and processed based on defined criteria. The classification
criteria is defined by a class on the Class Map page. The processing is define d by
a policy's att ributes on the Poli cy Map page. Polic y attributes may be defined on a
per-class instance basis and determine how traffic that matches the class criteria
is handled.
The WAP device supports up to 50 policy maps. A policy map can contain up to
10 class maps.
To add and configure a policy map: