Status and Statistics
TSPEC AP St atisti cs
Cisco Small Business WAP551 and WAP561 Wireless-N Access Point 22
TSPEC AP StatisticsThe TSPEC AP Statistics page provides information on the voice and video Traffic
Streams accepted and rejected by the WAP device. To view the TSPEC AP
Statistics page, select Status and S tatistics > TSP EC AP Statistic s in the
navigation pane.
•TSPEC Statistics Summary for Voice ACM—The total number of
accepted and the total number of rejected voice traffic streams.
•TSPEC Statistics Summary for Video ACM—The total number of
accepted and the total number of rejected video traffic streams.
You can click Refresh to refresh the screen and show the most current information.
Radio StatisticsYou can use the Radio Statistics page to show packet-level and byte-level
statistics for each wireless radio interface. To view the Radio Statistics page,
select Status and Statistics > Radio Statistics in the navigation pane.
For the WAP561 device, select the Radio for which you want to view statistics.
•Packets Received—Total packets received by the WAP device.
•Packets Transmitted—Total packets transmitted by the WAP device.
•Bytes Received—Total bytes received by the WAP device.
•Bytes Transmitted—Total bytes transmitte d by the WAP device.
•Packets Receive Dropped—Number of packets received by the WAP
device that were dropped.
•Packets Transmit Dropped—Number of packets transmitted by the WAP
device that were dropped.
•Bytes Receive Dropped—Number of bytes received by the WAP device
that were dropped.
•Bytes Transmit Dropped—Number of bytes transmitted by the WAP
device that were dropped.
•Fragments Rec eived—Number of fragmented frames received by the
WAP d evi ce.