Captive Portal
Web Portal Customization
Cisco Small Business WAP551 and WAP561 Wireless-N Access Point 146
•Work In Progress Text—The text that shows during authentication. The
range is from 1 to 128 characters. The default is Connecting, please be
•Denied Text—The text that shows when a user fails authentication. The
range is from 1 to 128 characters. The default is Error Invalid Credentials,
please try again!
•Welcome Title—The text that shows when the client has authenticated to
the VAP. The range is from 1 to 128 characters. The default is
•Welcome Content—The text that shows when the client has connected to
the network. The range is from 1 to 256 characters. The default is You are
now authorized and connected to the network.
•Delete Locale—Deletes the current locale.
STEP 8 Click Save. Your changes are saved to the Startup Configuration.
STEP 9 Click Preview to view the updated page.
NOTE You can click Preview to show the text and images that have already been saved
to the Startup Configuration. If you make a change, click Save before clicking
Preview to see your changes.
When users initiate access to a VAP that is associated with a captive portal
instance, an authentication page appears. You can customize the authentication
page with your own logo or other images.
Up to 18 images can be uploaded (assuming six locales, with each locale having
three images). All images must be 5 kilobytes or smaller and must be in GIF or JPG
format .
Images are resized to fit the specified dimensions. For best results, your logo and
account images should be similar in proportion to the default images, as follows:
Image Type Use Default Width by
Background Shows as the page background. 10 by 800 pixels
Logo Shows at top left of page to provide
branding information.
168 by 78 pixels