Captive Portal
Instance Configuration
Cisco Small Business WAP551 and WAP561 Wireless-N Access Point 141
-RADIUS—The WAP devi ce us es a d atab ase o n a rem ote R ADIU S ser ver
to authenticate users.
•Redirect—Specifies that CP should redirect the newly authenticated client
to the configured URL. If this option is clear, the user sees the locale-specific
welcome page after a successful verification.
•Redirect URL—Enter the URL (including http:// or https://) to which the
newly authenticated client is redirected if the URL Redirect Mode is enabled.
The range is from 0 to 256 characters.
•Away Timeou t—The amount of time a user remains in the CP authenticated
client list after the client disassociates from the WAP. If the time specified in
this field expires before the client attempts to reauthenticate, the client entry
is removed from the authenticated client list. The range is from 0 to 1440
minutes. The default value is 60 minutes.
NOTE An away timeout value is also configured for each user. See the Local
Users page. The away timeout value set on the Local Users page has
precedence over the value configured here, unless the value is set to 0 (the
default). A value of 0 indicates to use the instance timeout value.
•Session Timeout—The time remaining, in seconds, for the CP session to be
valid. After the time reaches zero, the client is deauthenticated. The range is
from 0 to 1440 minutes. The default value is 0.
•Maximum Bandwidth Upstream—The maximum upload speed, in
megabits per second, that a client can transmit traffic when using the captive
portal. This setting limits the bandwidth at which the client can send data into
the network. The range is from 0 to 300 Mbps. The default value is 0.
•Maximum Bandwidth Downstream—The maximum download speed, in
megabits per second, that a client can receive traffic when using the captive
portal. This setting limits the bandwidth at which the client can receive data
from the network. The range is from 0 to 300 Mbps. The default value is 0.
•User Group Name—If the Verification Mode is Local or RADIUS, assigns an
existing User Group to the CP instance. All users who belong to the group are
permitted to access the network through this portal.
•RADIUS IP Network—The IP version that the RADIUS server uses. You can
toggle between the address types to configure IPv4 and IPv6 RADIUS
address settings, but the WAP device contacts only the RADIUS server or
servers of the address type you select in this field.