Connecting the Audio Source
There are several different ways to hook up your system in terms of which source material (signal) is delivered to the amplifier(s) and transducer(s). Since our inception, we have discovered that approximately half of our customers prefer using the LFE/SUB signal with their transducers. The other half prefer using the Right Front (RF) and Left Front (LF) signals. Additionally, there are a few people who like to use multiple signals concurrently. In the following instructions, we provide you with general diagrams for each of these hookup methods.
LFE/SUB Hookup
The LFE, SUB, or Subwoofer output is the signal that you send to the subwoofer.
If your receiver has only one LFE/SUB/Subwoofer output port, connect a “Y” adapter to that output. This will allow you to split the signal between the transducer and the subwoofer. To do this properly, connect your subwoofer to one side of the “Y” adapter. Connect the TA0.1 amplifier to the other side of the “Y” adapter. To reduce the amount of noise produced when using this signal, use another “Y” adapter cable when connecting to the amplifier. This will allow you to connect the signal into both the Left and Right input connectors on the amplifier.
TA0.1 Amplifier |
R Transducer
– +
Transducer Output
| Subwoofer |
| Y Adapter |
Y Adapter | To Input of |
Powered | |
| Subwoofer |
16 | TA0.1 Amplifier | www.clarksynthesis.com |