Technical Services Group ~ 1-800-283-5936 (USA) ~ 1-801-974-3760
XAP 800 Serial commandsCommand Function
AAMB Selects/reports adapt ambient setting
AEC Selects/reports acoustic echo canceller setting
AGC Enable/disables AGC
AGCSET Selects/reports AGC settings on inputs
AMBLVL Selects/reports ambient level
BAUD Selects/reports the baud rate of the serial port
CGROUP Selects/reports compressor group setting
CHAIRO Selects/reports chairman override setting
COMPRESS Sets/reports compressor on audio processing
COMPSEL Selects/reports compressor activity for
DECAY Sets/reports decay rate
DELAY Sets/reports delay rate
DELAYSEL Selects/reports processor channel delay
DFLTM Sets/reports default meter
DID Selects/reports device ID
DSPVER Reports DSPfirmware version
FILTER Selects/reports input/processor channel filter
FILTSEL Enables/disables filters on input/processor
FLOW Selects/reports the flow controlof the serial
FMP Sets/reports 1st Mic Priorityfor mic gating
FPP Sets/reports current passcode setting
GAIN Changes/reports gain for in, out, or process.
GATE Reports gate status of channels 1–8
GHOLD Selects/reports hold time setting
GMODE Selects/reports gating mode setting
GOVER Selects/reports gating override setting
GRATIO Selects/reports gate ratio setting
GREPORT Selects/reports gate status report frequency
GRPSEL Selects/reports input gating group assignments
LABEL Selects/reports label of specified channel
LFP Sets/reports status of front panel access
Command Function
LOCK Selects/reports the state of the preset and
macro lock. When on, the lock prevents presets
and macros that have been flagged from being
altered in any way.
LOCKPRST Selects/reports whether the lock is applied to a
preset or macro. If a preset or macro has the
lock applied, it can only be changed if the unit
is unlocked with the password.
LOCKPWD Selects/reports the password for the
preset/macro lock. This can only be changed if
the unit is unlocked.
LMO Selects/reports Last Mic Onmode
LVL Reports in, out, or processor level
LVLREPORT Selects/reports level status
LVLRRATE Sets the level report rate for the unit
MACRO Executes macro or reports last macro
MASTER Reports the mode of the unit
MAX Changes/reports max gain setting for in, out,
processor block
MDMODE Enables/disables the modem mode for the unit
MIN Changes/reports minimum gain setting for in,
out, processor block
MINIT Sets/reports modem initialization string of
serial port
MINMAX Changes/reports min and max gain from in,
out, processor block
MLINE Selects/reports coarse gain adjustments on
Inputs 1–8
MMAX Selects/reports max # of mics for each mic
MPASS Sets passcode setting when using modem
MTRX Selects/reports matrix routing of an in. to out.
MTRXLVL Selects/reports matrix level at the cross point
MUTE Sets/reports mute status
NCD Selects/reports noise cancellation amount for
each mic channel
Appendices ~ Appendix E: Serial Commands