Appendices ~ Appendix E: Serial Commands
Technical Services Group ~ 1-800-283-5936 (USA) ~ 1-801-974-3760
GATE - Gate Status
This command reports the gate status of mics. This command is read only.
Command form: DEVICE
Argument details
Name Description
Device 0–7 or * to select all units
GATE Command form
The command will return the gate status of mic inputs 1–8 in hexadecimal.
GHOLD- Gate Hold Time Adjust
This command selects/reports the setting of hold time.
Command form: DEVICE
<Channel> [Value]
Argument details
Name Description Units
Device 0–7 or * to select all units
GHOLD Command form
Channel See Groups and Channels, page 97
Value 0.10-8.00 S
Null to return the current hold time
#50 GHOLD 1 .3
On XAP 800 unit 0 (
), the hold time (
for mic channel
is 300ms (
If Hex # returned
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Mic 8 Mic 7 Mic 6 Mic 5 Mic 4 Mic 3 Mic 2 Mic 1
Mics 1 and 2 are gated on 0 3 00000011
Mics 1 and 3 are gated on 0 5 00000101
Mics 1, 4, and 7 are gated on 4 9 01001001
Mics 3–6 and 8 are gated on B C 10111100
Hexadecimal Description
First digit Second digit