Technical Services Group ~ 1-800-283-5936 (USA) ~ 1-801-974-3760

phase 52

mute 49
propagation 6, 54
Ramp 123
release time 102, 138
Remote Builder 27, 78–82
Remote Panel 6, 10, 57, 90, 91–92
response time 33, 100 see also automatic gain
RJ-45 jumper 11
room combining 5, 60–62, 63
routing matrix 29, 30, 34, 40, 56
RS-232 10, 11, 12, 82, 83, 87, 101, 124
see also serial comands
RS-232 menu 15
Baud Rate 15, 85
Clear Password 16
Flow Control 16
Modem Mode 16
RS-485 Remote Panel A/B Port 6
Safety Mute 28, 125
security 26
serial commands 5, 94–127
command responses 94
command structure 94
device type and ID 95
groups and channels 95
list of 97–98
meter type 96
signal flow 27, 43
site file 23, 24, 68, 139
Site Properties 16, 23, 25, 139
Communication 23
Security 23
Use Modem 23
slave setting 12, 15, 25, 114
specifications 85
Speech Leveler 32, 33
status bar 28
status lights 28
storage capacity 59, 63
Sync 24, 25, 28
System menu 14
Device ID 15
Firmware Version 15
Lock Panel 14
Run Macro 14
Select Preset 14
Set Passcode 15
Unit ID 15
system requirements 21
S–Z 6, 7, 30, 158
target level 33
threshold 33, 38–39, 49–51, 86, 102
Tone 68
Unit Properties 25–26
communication 25
default meter 25
device ID 25
meter refresh rate 25
preset/macro password 26
security 26
serial echo 25
serial mode 25
unit name 25
unit type 25
use modem 26
Use in preset 57, 77
video codecs 30, 44, 46
video conferencing 9
Virtual Reference 34, 40, 58, 139
white noise 67
XAP IR Remote 78–79