Page 12 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 13

Basic Operation

Set the MODE swit ch to the “ On” position to turn the radio on. ( To
turn the radio off, set the MODE sw itch to the “Off” p osition.)
Set the BAND switch to:
AM: Listen to AM broadcasts.
FM: Listen to FM broadcasts.


Turn the Radio Tuning Dial to tune to a desired broad cast station.
The current st ation is displayed by the Ra dio Tuning In dicator/
Radio Frequency Band.


For FM broadcasts, extend the FM ante nna fully and adjust its pos i-
tion for best r eception (the FM wire antenna is l ocated on t he rear
of the unit).
For AM b roadcasts, the un it should be positioned for best sig nal
strength (the AM antenna is built into t he unit).