Page 10 Coby Electronics Corp oration Page 11

Setting the Alar m Mode

You can set the alarm to wake to the radio or to a buz zer.
To wake to a buzzer, turn the VOLUME dial all the way down until it
clicks into the “Buzzer” po sition.
To wake to radio, select a radio station and then turn the VOLUME
dial up to a position where sound is aud ible.

Snooze Function

When the alarm sounds, you can tur n the alar m off t emporarily f or 9
The entire top panel of the unit funct ions as the Snooze Senso r.
Touch the top panel (Snooze Sensor) of the unit wh en the alarm
sounds. The alarm will resume auto matically after 9 min utes.
To turn the alarm off, you may press the AL ARM OFF button.

Setting the Slee p Timer

The sleep timer allows you to go to s leep to music. T he radio will t urn
itself off automatically at t he end of the timer. To set the sleep timer :
Set the MODE switch to the “Of f” or “Auto” position.
Press the SLEEP button. The display will show “0:59” to indicate that
the radio will turn off automati cally after 59 minute s.
To shorten the sleep timer, press and hold the S LEEP button. While
holding the SLEEP button, pres s the MINUTE button.
To turn off the radio before the sleep timer has elapsed, touch the
top panel (Snooze Sensor).