Chapter 2 Configuring the
Table 3 lists the escape sequences you can use with the printer. Note that the brackets [ ] used in these escape sequences are for clarification purposes only (the brackets are not actually part of the commands).
Table 3. Line Printer Escape Sequences
Escape Sequence | Explanation | Page No. |
ESCE | Software reset | 18 |
ESCY | Display mode on | 26 |
ESCZ | Display mode off | 26 |
ESCz | Self test | 26 |
ESC*rA | Raster graphics start | 41 |
ESC*b[#]W[data] | Raster graphics data | 41 |
ESC*rB | Raster graphics end | 41 |
ESC&d[DEFGLMNOTUVW\}^] | Underline mode on | 42 |
ESC&d[@CHIJKPQRSWXZ[] | Underline mode off | 42 |
ESC&11L | Perf skip mode on | 38 |
ESC&10L | Perf skip mode off | 38 |
ESC&k[0,2]S | 10 and 16.67 cpi | 26 |
ESC[(,)] [#ID] | Primary/Secondary font symbol set | 19 |
ESC[(,)]s[Cpi]H | Primary/Secondary font cpi | 22 |
ESC&1[6,8]D | 6/8 lpi | 26 |
Page length in lines | 37 | |
Text length in lines | 38 | |
ESC&a[print position]L | Left margin set | 39 |
ESC&a[print position]M | Right margin set | 39 |
ESC&p[#]X | Transparent mode | 39 |
ESC&a[#]R | Move to absolute row position | 40 |
ESC&a[#]C | Move to absolute column position | 40 |
ESC&a[+#]R | Move to relative row position | 40 |
Move to relative column position | 40 | |