46 Chapter 3
Functional and Operational Characteristics
3.7.12 HARBOR® File-Level Backup/Restore
Tantia™ Technologies HARBOR® File-Level Backup/Restore features an integrated
architecture and includes:
A host component on MVS,
Integrated clients for desktops and servers,
LAN-based distributed storage servers,
High-speed HRX file-level backup of open-system data, and
Transparent network support.
Note: For further information on HARBOR® File-Level Backup/Restore, please contact your
Hitachi Data Systems account team.
3.7.13 HARBOR® File Transfer
Tantia™ Technologies HARBOR® file transfer adds automation to the process of transferring
large data files at ultra-high channel speeds in either direction between open systems and
mainframe servers. After automatically breaking large data files into more manageable
pieces, HARBOR® File Transfer offers increased transfer speeds by directing data in multiple
streams through the Lightning 9900™ storage subsystem.
Note: For further information on HARBOR® File Transfer, please contact your Hitachi Data
Systems account team.
3.7.14 HiCommand™
HiCommand™ provides a consistent, easy to use, and easy to configure set of interfaces for
managing Hitachi storage products including the Lightning 9900™ subsystem. HiCommand™
provides a web interface for real-time interaction with the storage arrays being managed, as
well as a command line interface (CLI) for scripting. HiCommand™ gives storage
administrators easier access to the existing Hitachi subsystem configuration, monitoring, and
management features such as LUN Manager, SANtinel, TrueCopy, and ShadowImage. Note:
HiCommand™ 1.x does not support all Hitachi subsystem functions.
HiCommand™ enables users to manage the 9900 subsystem and perform functions from
virtually any location via the HiCommand™ Web Client, HiCommand™ command line
interface (CLI), and/or third-party application. HiCommand™ displays detailed information
on the configuration of the storage arrays added to the HiCommand™ system and allows you
to perform important operations such as adding and deleting volume paths, securing logical
units (LUs), and managing data replication operations.
Note: For further information on HiCommand™, please refer to the HiCommand™ user
documentation (see Table 3.9), or contact your Hitachi Data Systems account team.