Compaq AAPG9DKTE manual Installation Overview, Preparing to Install TP Desktop Connector Software


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Before Installing TP Desktop Connector Software

This chapter describes the preparations and requirements necessary for installing Compaq TP Desktop Connector software and also contains information on removing TP Desktop Connector software from Windows platforms. Your bill of materials (BOM) specifies the number and contents of your distribution media. Be sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is damaged or incomplete, contact your Compaq representative.

5.1 Installation Overview

The TPware Product Suite CD contains all the software required for development or deployment of TP Desktop Connector client applications. The gateway software needed to connect to an ACMS system is included on a separate CD included in the distribution kit. The gateway software installation is described in Part III. Chapter 4 describes the contents of the TPware Product Suite CD.

For a list of the client platforms supported by the TP Desktop Connector product, see the TP Desktop Connector Software Product Description.

If you are developing TP Desktop Connector client applications for a non- Windows system, you must install the client services files yourself (proceed to Chapter 7.

5.2 Preparing to Install TP Desktop Connector Software

Ensure that your system meets the software requirements. Minimum software requirements needed to install the TP Desktop Connector software and build client applications that run with ACMS systems are shown in the Software Product Description (SPD), a copy of which is included in the product kit.

You must have a Windows operating system with a CD drive on which to run the installation procedures that are described in Chapter 6.

Before Installing TP Desktop Connector Software 5–1

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Compaq AAPG9DKTE manual Installation Overview, Preparing to Install TP Desktop Connector Software