Compaq AAPG9DKTE manual Installing the Tru64 Unix Client Software, Mkdir acmsdi Cd acmsdi


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7.3 Installing the Tru64 UNIX Client Software

The TP Desktop Connector client services and sample application files are distributed on the Software Products Library CD and on the TPware Product Suite CD. If you are installing the software from the TPware Product Suite CD (see Section 5.1), you have two tar files that you transfer to a Tru64 UNIX desktop system. Perform the following steps.

1.Create the client services directory on the desktop system, and change to that directory. For example:

>mkdir acmsdi

>cd acmsdi

2.Copy the du_client.tar file from the TPware Product Suite CD to the client services directory. For example:

>cp cd/dunix/du_client.tar .

If you install the client files from the Software Products Library CD, change directory to the location in which you expanded the archive file that you copied from the OpenVMS system (see Section

The du_client.tar file contains the client files. Perform the following steps.

1.Extract the files from the archive. For example:

acmsdi> tar xvf du_client.tar




The list of files printed because of the v flag should match the list of files in Table A–5.

2.If you want to use the DECnet transport, change the client library. For example:


#ar d libacmsdi.a net_tcpip.o

#ar r libacmsdi.a net_decnet.o

#ar t libacmsdi.a




#ar qs libacmsdi.a

Also edit the Makefile to add -ldnetto the link library list.

Installing the TP Desktop Connector Client Services on Non-Windows Systems 7–9

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Compaq AAPG9DKTE manual Installing the Tru64 Unix Client Software, Mkdir acmsdi Cd acmsdi, Cp cd/dunix/duclient.tar