Compaq AAPG9DKTE manual Make, Mavertz


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The sample makefile and executables for Motif on Tru64 UNIX use TCP/IP as the default transport. If you have changed the client services library to use DECnet, you must relink the sample application before you run it.

7.3.2 Verifying the Motif Sample Installation on Tru64 UNIX Platforms

Compile, link, and run the source code for the sample client program to verify your capability to build applications. To build the sample application, follow these steps:

1.Use the makefile provided to build the m_avertz sample application. In the sample directory, run make:


2.Run the application by entering the following command:


The m_avertz application displays the menu bar of the AVERTZ Car Reservation System. If you want the sample desktop client program to communicate with the ACMS application, follow the procedures in Section 7.2.4 to set up the sample application on the ACMS system. After you set up the ACMS system, use the Session menu to sign in to the ACMS system. After you sign in, you can use the Rental menu to run the reserve task of the AVERTZ application.

The installation procedure is now complete and verified.

Installing the TP Desktop Connector Client Services on Non-Windows Systems 7–11

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Compaq AAPG9DKTE manual Make, Mavertz