Compaq AAPG9DKTE manual IVP Steps, $ SET Default SYS$TEST, $ @Acmsdi$Ivp


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11.2.2 IVP Steps

To run the IVP independently of the installation procedure, follow these steps:

1.Log in to the SYSTEM account:

Username: SYSTEM Password:

2.Set your default to the test directory:



3.Run the IVP using the following file specification:


You can run the IVP only on your current booted system. You cannot run the IVP over a networked connection.

To start the IVP, enter the following command:


The TP Desktop Connector V3.2 Gateway for ACMS IVP completed successfully




The TP Desktop Connector V3.2 Gateway for ACMS IVP completed successfully

The IVP takes no more than 30 seconds to run, depending on the current system load.

11.2.3 IVP Error Recovery

As the IVP executes, it checks the success of each test and operation it performs. If any test or operation fails, the IVP does the following:

1.Stops processing.

2.Displays a message describing the failure.

3.Suggests a course of action to eliminate the cause of the failure. Follow the suggested course of action and then restart the IVP.

11–2Running the TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS IVP

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Compaq AAPG9DKTE manual IVP Steps, $ SET Default SYS$TEST, $ @Acmsdi$Ivp