Compaq AAPG9DKTE manual $ @Sys$Startupacmstart.Com $ @Sys$Startupacmsdi$Startup.Com


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Position the TP Desktop startup command line after the line that invokes the ACMS startup command procedure. For example:







Start ACMS software before you start TP Desktop software.

Starting TP Desktop software automatically enables the use of the DECnet communication transport. To use TCP/IP protocols as well, or instead of DECnet, list the transports you want to use in a parameter file. Specify the parameter file as a qualifier on the TP Desktop startup command line.

The parameter file is a simple ASCII text file that lists your overrides to TP Desktop run-time quotas and defaults. These overrides can include the specification of the communication libraries that have been installed on the OpenVMS system. For example, to enable TP Desktop to use all transports, perform the following steps.

1.Create the following file in the SYS$MANAGER directory:


2.Include in the file the following line: transport=(tcpip,decnet)

3.Modify the startup command line to specify the parameter file. For example:


To perform this same function in batch from DCL-level, issue a SUBMIT command. For example:


This command starts a batch job that runs the startup command procedure using the input file specified in the parameter qualifier. When the batch job completes, the TP Desktop software is started.

10–2After Installing TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS Software

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Compaq AAPG9DKTE manual $ @Sys$Startupacmstart.Com $ @Sys$Startupacmsdi$Startup.Com