host adapter
A device that connects the host system I/O bus (for example, a PCI bus) to the storage SCSI bus. A host adapter performs the lower layers of the SCSI protocol and normally operates in the initiator role.
A SCSI device that requests another device on the bus to perform an operation. Any device on the bus can be an initiator or a target.
logical bus
personality module
The BA356 module that interfaces the
physical bus
Two SCSI terminators separated by cables, connectors, and/or the backplane circuitry.
StorageWorks building block. The basic building block of the StorageWorks product line. Any device conforming to shelf mechanical and electrical standards installed in either a
SBB shelf
The common name for any StorageWorks shelf that contains only power supply and storage SBBs.
Small Computer System Interface. This ANSI interface defines the physical and electrical parameters of a parallel I/O bus used to connect computers and devices. The StorageWorks subsystem implementation uses
SCSI bus converter
Sometimes referred to as an adapter. (1) A connecting device that permits the attachment of accessories or provides the capability to mount or link units. (2) The device that connects a differential SCSI bus to a
SCSI device
A host computer adapter, a peripheral controller, or an intelligent peripheral that can be attached to the SCSI bus.
SCSI device ID