SCSI end-bus position
The physical location of a controller or a device that contains the SCSI bus termination.
SCSI mid-bus position
The physical location of a controller or a device that the SCSI bus passes through enroute to the controller or device that contains the SCSI bus termination.
SCSI cable
single-ended SCSI bus
A bus in which each signal’s logic level is determined by the voltage of a single wire in relation to ground.
Small Computer System Interface
The Digital set of enclosure products that allows customers to design and configure their own storage subsystem. Components include power, packaging, and interconnections in a StorageWorks shelf. SBBs and array controllers are integrated therein to form level enclosures to house the shelves. Standard mounting devices for SBBs are also included.
StorageWorks building block
See SBB.
A SCSI device that performs an operation requested by an initiator. Any device on the bus can be an initiator or a target.
target ID
See SCSI device ID.
The interconnect components that form the ends of the transmission lines in bus segments. A SCSI domain must have at least one segment and therefore at least two terminators. The terminators ensure that inactive SCSI bus signals are in a known state. There are two basic types of terminators - active and passive.
∙Differential bus segments use passive (linear totem pole) terminators.
except for special cases where the electrical transmission lines are very short and only one termination or
An electrical current that is limited by