troubleshooting, 78 using, 19 wireless, 19
connecting, 46 selecting, 47
using a microphone, 49 music
Help in MusicMatch Jukebox, 56 Help in Windows Media
Player, 57, 62 keyboard button, 27 MusicMatch Jukebox, 27, 55 playing, 55, 56
Windows Media Player, 56 music CDs, closed session, 60 Mute button, 28
Net. See Internet, about network interface
about, 9 no sound, 72
Off button. See turning off PC On button, 7
online manuals, 44 onscreen guides, 19 operating system, 15 reinstalling, 89
operating system help, 44 optical drive cables
disconnecting, 95 reconnecting, 101
organizing Internet links and the PC, 17 Outlook Express, 39
panning, scrolling mouse, 20
Application Recovery, 82, 87 hibernation mode, automatic, 13 information about, 17 learning to use, 17
no sound, 72 not working, 77 organizing information, 17 problem turning on, 79 running tests, 41
setting it up, 3 settings, 16
sleep mode. See hibernation mode
standby mode, about, 12 standby mode, automatic, 13 standby mode, manual, 12 System Recovery, 82 System Restore, 82 transferring files and settings to
new PC, 14 troubleshooting, 71 turning off, 11 turning on, 10
viewing PC image on TV, 65 PC Help & Tools, 19
PC Recovery
peripherals, 10
playing DVD movies, 57 disc types, 62
pointer speed, adjusting, 21 power cable
disconnecting, 95 reconnecting, 108
power management settings, modifying, 13
preparing PC for hardware upgrades, 91
Print button, not working, 77 printer
troubleshooting, 79 using, 31
monitor, 74 mouse, 78 no sound, 72
PC not working, 77 printer, 79 troubleshooting, 71 turning on PC, 79
problem resolution, troubleshooting, 71 product notices, 42
programs, uninstalling, 69
receiving e-mails, 39 recording volume, adjusting
microphone, 49 RecordNow!, using, 60 recovering system
System Restore, 82 using CDs/DVD, 89