The Tru64UNIX documentation is available on the World Wide Web at the
following URL:
OrganizationThis manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 Introduces the concept of servers and clients, explaining
whatthey are and howthey work together. It also describes
the basic architecture of the server/clientenvironment.
Chapter 2 Describes the relationship between the RIS
server and RIS clients.
Chapter 3 Liststhe formats inwhich distribution media are available
and describes the preliminary setup procedures for RIS.
Chapter 4 Describes the procedure for setting up a RIS server,
including installing and updating software.
Chapter 5 Describes networking-related files and daemons used
by the remote installation services (ris) utility and the
process a client goes through to boot over the network.
Chapter 6 Describes processes and procedures for maintaining
and managing a RIS system, including adding,
deleting, and modifying clients.
Chapter 7 Describes how to manage profile sets to support Full
Installation and Installation Cloning.
Chapter 8 Provides information on troubleshooting RIS
client problems.
Chapter 9 Introduces DMS and the dataless manage-
ment utility (dmu).
Chapter 10 Describes how to prepare a server system for DMS.
Chapter 11 Describes the steps necessary to configure a DMS server
includinghow toinstall software into a DMS environment.
Chapter 12 Describes how to use the dmu utility to add, modify,
remove, and list DMS clients, and how to list or
delete a DMS environment.
Chapter 13 Provides information on troubleshooting DMS
client problems.
Appendix A Containsa worksheet to use when you install RIS.
Appendix B Containsworksheets to calculate space require-
ments on DMS servers and clients, and a DMS
client setup worksheet.
x About This Manual