3. Enter dto select DELETE software environments. You see a prompt
similar to the following example, which lists three DMS environments:
Select the remote dataless environment:
1) /var/adm/dms/dms0.alpha
’Tru64 UNIX VAAA Operating System (Rev nnn)’
2) /var/adm/dms/dms1.alpha
’Tru64 UNIX VBBB Operating System (Rev nnn)’
3) /var/adm/dms/dms2.alpha
’Tru64 UNIX VCCC Operating System (Rev nnn)’
Enter your choice:
4. Enter the number that corresponds to the DMS environment you want
to delete, for example: 1. Yousee a prompt similar to the following:
After you select the dataless environment to delete, a confirmation
displays your choice:
The following environment will be deleted from
’Tru64 UNIX VAAA Operating System (Rev nnn)’
Is that correct? (y/n) [y]:
5. Confirm your selection.
• Ifyou enter n, the dmu utility returns to the DMU Main Menu.
• If you enter y, you see a prompt similar to the following:
After this deletion, the area /var/adm/dms/dms0.alpha will
be empty. The following clients are registered for
client1 client2 client3
This procedure will completely remove /var/adm/dms/dms0.alpha.
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [n]:
– If you enter n, the dmu utility returns to the DMU Main Menu
and does not delete the environment or its registered clients.
– If you enter y, you see a prompt similar to the following:
Do you want to remove the client’s root file system
[/clients/client1]? (y/n) [n]:
This is your opportunity to save customized data in the root
directory.If you enter n, all customized data inthe root directory
is lost.
12–8 Managing DMS Clients and Environments