definition of, 9–1
deletingan environment, 12–7
diskspace for environments , 10–4
environment, 9–3
files in /usr area, 9–4
installing operating system on
server, 10–7
installing required software
subsets, 10–7
installing software in new
environment, 11–2
listing clients, 6–10, 12–12
lock files, 13–1
maintaining the environment,
multiple environments, 9–4
planning disk space, 10–4
problems booting a client, 13–1
removinga client, 6–9, 12–11
requiredsoftware for environments,
root area, 9–2, 9–3
servermanagement tasks, 12–1
server preparation, 10–1
showing product list, 6–11, 12–13
software version on server, 10–1
system components, 1–2
DMS area, 9–2
contents of, 9–2, 9–3
defined, 1–1
DMS client
booting problems, 13–1
database file, 12–1
defined, 1–1
full build support, 10–6
information required for, 10–8
modifying environment for, 12–10
no build support, 10–6
partialbuild support, 10–6
planning disk space, 10–4
planning swap space, 10–8
types of kernel builds for, 10–6
DMS clients
requirements for, 10–2
DMS environment, 9–4
adding software to existing, 11–6
modifying for client, 12–10
naming conventions for, 11–5
DMS IP address
modifying for client, 12–10
DMS lock files, 13–1
DMS server
defined, 1–1
LAN installation, 10–3
maintaining, 12–14
NFS installation, 10–3
partition information, 10–2
planning disk space, 10–4
DMS servers
requirements for, 10–1
dms.alpha areas, 10–4
du command, 12–14
Dynamic Host Configuration
(See DHCP )
Eenvironments area, 9–3
calculating disk space, 10–4
/etc/bootptab file, 5–2, 8–6
/etc/exports file, 13–2
/etc/hosts file
adding DMS clients to, 10–8
/etc/hosts file, 10–8
/etc/hosts file
adding DMS clients to, 10–2
/etc/inetd.conf file, 8–6
Ethernet, 3–4, 10–3
(See also LAN )
address of RIS client, 6–1
setting up a client on, 3–4
Ethernet address