Example 7–1: Sample RIS Client Profile Set Registration (cont.)
Enter your choice: a
You have chosen to add a client for remote installation services.
The following conditions must be met to add a client:
1. You must know the client processors host name
2. The clients host name must be in your systems host database(s).
3. You must know whether the client is on an Ethernet, FDDI, or Token
Ring network.
4. You must know the clients hardware Ethernet, FDDI, or Token
Ring address if the client is registering to install operating
system software.
5. If the client and the server reside on different subnets, you will
need the address of the gateway(s) that the client can use to
communicate with the server.
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [y]: y
Enter the client processors hostname or press RETURN to quit: pubs08
Select the remote installation environment:
1) /var/adm/ris/ris0.alpha
Operating System Release N ( Rev nnn )
OS Worldwide Language Support Version N ( Rev nnn )
2) /var/adm/ris/ris1.alpha
Something else in this RIS area
Enter your choice or press RETURN to quit: 1
Select one or more products for the client to install
from /var/adm/ris/ris0.alpha:
Product Description
1Operating System Release N( Rev nnn )
2OS Worldwide Language Support Version N( Rev nnn )
Enter one or more choices as a space-separated list
(for example, 1 2 3) or "all" for all products [all]: 1
You chose the following products:
1Operating System Release N( Rev nnn )
Is that correct? (y/n) [y]: y
Do you want to specify an Installation Profile Set for use
during the installation of this client? [y/n] [n]: y
This RIS server has the following Installation Profile Sets available:
sys_admin engineering support techpubs accounting
Enter a set name or press <Return> to exit set selection: techpubs
You have selected the techpubs installation profile set.
This set contains the following files:

7–4 Managing RIS Profile Sets