Booting a RIS ClientYoumust register a RIS client on the RIS server before you can use RIS to
install the operating system on the RIS client. If you use RIS to install the
operating system on a client, the client must boot across the network by
issuing a BOOTP request. This chapter includes the following topics:
• Describing remote boot files and daemons (Section 5.1)
• Explaining the remote boot process flow (Section 5.2)
5.1 Remote Boot Files and Daemons
Several files and daemons are associated with booting a RIS client over the
network. This section includes the following topics:
• The inetd internet daemon and its configuration file, inetd.conf
(Section 5.1.1)
• The internet boot protocol (BOOTP) joind daemon (Section 5.1.2)
• The /etc/bootptab file (Section 5.1.3)
• The TFTP daemon tftpd (Section 5.1.4)
See the following reference pages for more information:
Table5–1 describes the files and daemons used by RIS servers to boot a
remote client.
Table5–1: Remote Boot Files and Daemons
Name Description
/etc/bootptab Contains information needed to boot remote clients
/etc/inetd.conf Contains start-up information for various
internet daemons
/sbin/init.d/dhcp Script used to start joind
Booting a RIS Client 5–1