member-specific file
A file used by a specific cluster member. The contents of a member-specific
file differ for each cluster member,and each member has its own copy of a
member-specific file.
See also cluster,cluster member,shared file
NNetwork File System
new hardware delivery
Network File System, an open operating system that allows all network
users to access shared files stored on computers of different types. Users
can manipulate shared files as if they were stored locally on the user ’s own
hard disk.
New hardware delivery (NHD) provides support for new hardware without
providing a new release of the operating system, and can be offered on
a regular basis. The kit is usually provided on CD-ROM, and includes
installation and testing instructions.
See also hardware product
Network Information Service. A distributed data lookup service for sharing
information on a local area network (LAN). NIS allows you to coordinate
the distribution of database information throughout your networked
new file
In DMS, refers to files that are exactlyas supplied in the software
distribution kit and have not been customized. Thesefiles areused by the
Update Installation process and allow the files to be delivered onto the
system without overwriting the existing, and possibly customized version of
the file. New files have a .new. prefix, and should never be modified.
See also prototype file