6.3 Adding a RIS Client from the Command Line
Youcan add a single RIS client from the command line by invoking the ris
utility with its −aoption. Other options supply the network address, path,
and product list. Use the following syntax for the ris utility:
/usr/sbin/ris -a clientname -h network-address -p path,product [,product...]
For example:
#/usr/sbin/ris -a fargo -h xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx -p
If the client is a cluster alias, then the -h option should be "cluster
6.4 Modifying RIS ClientsYoucan modify a RIS client’s network type, hardware network address, its
RIS environment information, and the list of products it can install. You
cannot modify a client’s IP or routing information. To modify a client’s entry,
follow these steps:
1. Log in as root or use the su command to gain superuser privileges.
2. Start the ris utility:
Yousee the RIS Utility Main Menu:
*** RIS Utility Main Menu ***
Choices without key letters are not available.
a) ADD a client
d) DELETE software products
i) INSTALL software products
l) LIST registered clients
m) MODIFY a client
r) REMOVE a client
s) SHOW software products in remote installation environments
Enter your choice:
3. Enter mto select MODIFY a client. You see a prompt similar to the
The following clients are available to modify:
client01 client02 client03 client04
Enter the client processor’s hostname or press RETURN to quit:
Managing RIS Clients and Environments 6–7