Congratulations on your purchase of a new DR® TRIMMER/MOWER™ We have done our utmost to ensure that your DR® will be one of the most
Please let us know if you have any questions or problems. We want to answer or correct them quickly. (When you do call or write, please have your serial number and/or order number handy;
it will speed things up.) We also hope to hear from you about how you like your new machine.
Please tell your friends about your new DR® TRIMMER/MOWER™. Having new owners spread the word about our products and the way we conduct business is the best advertising we have and it’s the best way we can provide you with even better service in the years to come.
Thanks once again!
for all of us at
Country Home Products, Inc.
©2002 Country Home Products, Inc. All rights reserved.
Written by: Ann Zuccardy, Page Designs Inc.
Country Home Products, Inc.
Meigs Road
P.O. Box 25
Vergennes, VT 05491
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