CPG #2561255 FIRELARM 2500 Operating Manual
A.2 Zonal Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter (2500-ZDACT)
UL LISTED: For use with the FireLarm 2500
Transient protected
Power requirements:
Input current
Standby: 50mA
Alarm current: 90mA max.
Part # 2500-ZDACT:
The ZDACT is used for off-premises monitoring of the fire alarm control panel. Signals are sent to a
Digital Alarm Communicator Receiver (DACR) using either a primary or a secondary telephone line. Both
telephone lines are supervised; if one line is operational and the other is in trouble, a report is sent to the
supervising station and the Line Fault trouble LED (D3) is illuminated for local indication. The Panel
Supervisory trouble LED (D2) will illuminate if communication with the control panel is lost. The ZDACT
mounts directly on the FACP main board with earth ground lug screwed under standoff nut at top corner
post. Programming is done through the FACP with inputs for two phone numbers and a 4-digit account
number. The transmission format is Security Industry Association (SIA) Level 1 and is compatible with
the receivers listed below. The ZDACT will transmit a test call every 24 hours to the DACR.
Compatible SIA Level 1 Receivers
Manufacturer Model Number
Silent Knight 9500 with 9810 Line card
Figure A-2. ZDACT Mounting.