Oil (one bottle shipped with unit)

FirstTime Use

1.Removeoil fill dipstick.

2.Withthe moweron levelground,fill the engineto the upperlimit markon the dipstickwiththe recommendedoil. SeeFigure10.

3.Replaceoil fill dipstickandtighten.

Subsequent Uses

Use4-strokemotoroil thatmeetsor exceedsthe requirementsfor API

servicecategorySJ orlater.Alwayscheckthe API servicelabelon the oilcontainerto besure itincludesthe lettersSJ or later.

0 20 40 60 80 IO0°F


-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40°C

Ambient Temperature

SAE10%30 is recommendedforgeneraluse.Otherviscositiesshown inthe chartmaybeusedwhenthe averagetemperatureinyour areais withinthe indicatedrange.

1.Checkthe oil withthe enginestoppedand level.

2.Removethe oil fillercap/dipstickandwipeit clean.

3.Insertthe oilfiller cap/dipstickas far as it will go intothe oilfiller neck,but do notscrewit in, then removeit to checkthe oil level. SeeFigure10.

4.Ifthe oil levelis nearor belowthe lowerlimitmarkonthe dipstick, removethe oil fillercap/dipstick,andfill withthe recommendedoil to the upperlimitmark.Do not overfill.

5.Reinstallthe oilfillercap/dipstick.


This engineis certified to operate on unleaded gasoline with a pumpoctane ratingof 86 or higher.

Refuelin awell-ventilatedareawiththe enginestopped.Ifthe engine has beenrunning,allow it to coolfirst. Neverrefuelthe engineinsidea buildingwheregasolinefumes mayreachflamesor sparks.

Youmay use regular unleaded gasolinecontaining no more than 10%ethanol (El0) or 5%methanol by volume. In addition, methanol must contain cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors.Use of fuels with content of ethanol or methanol greater than shown above maycause starting and/or performanceproblems. It may also damage metal, rubber, and plasticparts of the fuel system. Engine damageor performanceproblemsthat resultfrom using a fuel with percentagesof ethanol or methanol greater than shown above are not overed by warranty.


Oil Fill Cap/




Gasolineis highlyflammableandexplosive,andyoucan be burnedor seriouslyinjuredwhenrefueling.Stopengineand keep heat,sparks,and flameaway.Refuelonly outdoors.Wipe upspills immediately.

Ifyourequipmentwill be usedonan infrequentorintermittentbasis, pleasereferto the Off SeasonStoragesectionfor additionalinforma- tion regardingfuel deterioration.

NOTE:Fuelcandamagepaintand sometypesof plastic.Becareful notto spill fuelwhenfilling yourfueltank.

Neverusestaleorcontaminatedgasolineoroil/gasolinemixture. Avoidgettingdirt orwaterin the fueltank.

1.Removethe fuel tankcap.

2.Addfuel to the bottomof the fuellevellimitin the neckof the fuel tank. Donot overfill.Wipe upspilledfuel beforestartingthe engine.

3.Installthe fuel tankcapandtightenit until it clicks.

4.Moveat least10feetawayfromthe fuelingsourceandsitebefore startingthe engine.

Besurenooneotherthan theoperatoris standingnearthe lawn mowerwhilestartingengineoroperatingmower.Neverrunengine indoorsorin enclosed,poorlyventilatedareas. Engineexhaust containscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessanddeadlygas. Keephands,

feet, hairand looseclothingawayfromany movingpartson engine andlawn mower.


Page 14
Image 14
Craftsman 247.37683 manual GAS and OIL FILL-UP, Oil one bottle shipped with unit FirstTime Use, Removeoil fill dipstick

247.37683 specifications

The Craftsman 247.37683 is a versatile and efficient snow blower designed to tackle winter's toughest challenges, making it a reliable choice for homeowners looking to manage snow accumulation effectively. This machine combines innovative technology with practical features that enhance performance and user experience.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 247.37683 is its powerful 6.5 HP engine. This gas-powered motor provides the necessary force to handle heavy, wet snow, ensuring that you can clear driveways and walkways with ease. The 24-inch clearing width allows for efficient snow removal in fewer passes, making your snow clearing tasks quicker and more efficient.

The snow blower is equipped with a two-stage snow removal system, which is essential for handling deeper snow. The auger first collects the snow and ice, and then the impeller efficiently discharges it through the chute. This dual-action process improves the machine's ability to handle a variety of snow conditions, from light flurries to heavy, packed snow.

User comfort and control are prioritized in the Craftsman 247.37683. The model features adjustable chute direction and throw distance, allowing users to control where the snow will land easily. This is particularly useful for directing snow away from doorways or freshly cleared pathways. The ergonomic handle design adds to the comfort, making prolonged use less strenuous.

Another notable characteristic of this snow blower is its robust construction. Built with durability in mind, the Craftsman 247.37683 is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring longevity and reliability. Its heavy-duty materials mean that it can handle the rigors of regular use during the winter season.

Furthermore, the snow blower comes with user-friendly features like electric start, eliminating the hassle of pull-starting in freezing temperatures. This convenience is especially beneficial for those who may struggle with traditional starting methods in harsh winter conditions.

Overall, the Craftsman 247.37683 snow blower stands out for its powerful performance, durability, and user-centric design. Whether you are dealing with heavy snowfalls or just minor accumulations, this machine is equipped to help you keep your property clear and safe through the winter months. For homeowners looking for an effective snow removal solution, the Craftsman 247.37683 is a solid investment that combines reliability, efficiency, and ease of use.