The bladecontrolhandleis a safetydevice.Neverattemptto bypassits operation.Doingso makesthe safetydeviceinopera- tiveandmayresultin personalinjurythroughcontactwiththe rotatingblade.The bladecontrolhandlemustoperateeasily

in bothdirectionsandautomaticallyreturnto the disengaged positionwhenreleased.

Neveroperatethe mowerinwetgrass.Alwaysbe sureof your footing. A slip andfall cancauseseriouspersonalinjury.Ifyou feelyou arelosingyourfooting,releasethe bladecontrolhandle immediatelyandthe bladewill stop rotatingwithinthreeseconds.

Mowonly in daylightor goodartificiallight.Walk,neverrun.

Stopthe bladewhencrossinggraveldrives,walksor roads.

Ifthe equipmentshouldstart to vibrateabnormally,stopthe engineandcheckimmediatelyfor the cause.Vibrationis gener- allya warningof trouble.

Shutthe engineoff andwaituntilthe bladecomesto a complete stopbeforeremovingthe grasscatcheror uncloggingthe chute. Thecuttingbladecontinuesto rotatefor afewsecondsafterthe bladecontrolis released.Neverplaceany partof the body inthe bladeareauntilyou aresurethe bladehasstoppedrotating.

Neveroperatemowerwithoutpropertrail shield,dischargecover, grasscatcher,bladecontrolhandleor othersafetyprotectivede- vicesin placeandworking.Neveroperatemowerwithdamaged safetydevices.Failureto do socan resultinpersonalinjury. Mufflerandenginebecomehotandcan causea burn.Do not touch.

Neverattemptto makea wheelorcuttingheightadjustmentwhile theengineis running.

Onlyuse partsand accessoriesmadeforthis machineby the manufacturerFailureto. do socan resultinpersonalinjury.

Whenstartingengine,pullcordslowlyuntil resistanceis felt,then pullrapidly.Rapidretractionof startercord (kickback)willpull handandarm towardenginefasterthanyoucan let go. Broken bones,fractures,bruisesor sprainscould result.

If situationsoccurwhicharenot coveredinthismanual,usecare

andgoodjudgement.Contact1-800-659-5917for informationand assistance.


Slopesare amajorfactor relatedto slipandfall accidents,whichcan resultinsevereinjury.Operationon slopesrequiresextracaution.If youfeel uneasyona slope,do not mowit. Foryour safety,usethe SlopeGuideincludedas partof thismanualto measureslopesbefore operatingthis machineon a slopedor hillyarea. Ifthe slopeis greater than 15degrees,donot mowit.


oMowacrossthefaced slopes;neverupanddown.Exercise extremecautionwhenchangingdirectiononslopes.

Watchfor holes,ruts, rocks,hiddenobjects,or bumpswhichcan causeyou to slip ortrip. Tallgrasscan hideobstacles.

Alwaysbesureof yourfooting.A slipandfall can causeserious personalinjury.Ifyou feelyou arelosingyourbalance,release the bladecontrolhandleimmediatelyandthe bladewillstop rotatingwithinthree (3) seconds.

Do Not:

Donot mowneardrop-offs,ditchesor embankments,you could lose yourfootingor balance.

Donot mowslopesgreaterthan 15degreesas shownon the slopegauge.

Donot mowon wetgrass.Unstablefootingcouldcauseslipping.


Tragicaccidentscan occurif the operatoris not alertto the presence of children.Childrenareoftenattractedto themowerandthe mowing activity.Theydonot understandthe dangers.Neverassumethat childrenwill remainwhereyou lastsawthem.

Keepchildrenout of the mowingareaandunderwatchfulcareof

aresponsibleadultotherthan theoperator. Bealertandturn moweroffif achild entersthe area.

Beforeandwhilemovingbackwards,look behindanddown for smallchildren.

Useextremecare whenapproachingblindcorners,doorways, shrubs,trees,orotherobjectsthatmayobscureyourvisionof a child whomayrunintothe mower.

Keepchildrenawayfromhot or runningengines.Theycan suffer burnsfroma hot muffler.

Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsof ageto operatethis machine.Children14andovershouldreadand understandthe instructionsandsafeoperationpracticesinthis manualandon the machineand betrainedandsupervisedby an adult.


Safe HandlingOf Gasoline:

Toavoid personalinjuryor propertydamageuseextremecare in handlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammableandthe vaporsareexplosive.Seriouspersonalinjurycanoccurwhen gasolineis spilledon yourselfor yourclothes,whichcan ignite. Washyour skinandchangeclothesimmediately.

Useonly anapprovedgasolinecontainer.

Neverfill containersinsidea vehicleoron atruck ortrailer bed witha plasticliner.Alwaysplacecontainerson thegroundaway fromyourvehiclebeforefilling.

Removegas-poweredequipmentfromthetruck ortrailerand refuelit on the ground.Ifthisis notpossible,then refuelsuch equipmenton atrailer witha portablecontainer,ratherthanfrom a gasolinedispensernozzle.

Keepthe nozzleincontactwiththe rimof the fueltankor containeropeningat all timesuntilfuelingis complete.Donot use a nozzlelock-opendevice.


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Craftsman 247.37683 manual Slope Operation, Children, Service, Safe HandlingOf Gasoline

247.37683 specifications

The Craftsman 247.37683 is a versatile and efficient snow blower designed to tackle winter's toughest challenges, making it a reliable choice for homeowners looking to manage snow accumulation effectively. This machine combines innovative technology with practical features that enhance performance and user experience.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 247.37683 is its powerful 6.5 HP engine. This gas-powered motor provides the necessary force to handle heavy, wet snow, ensuring that you can clear driveways and walkways with ease. The 24-inch clearing width allows for efficient snow removal in fewer passes, making your snow clearing tasks quicker and more efficient.

The snow blower is equipped with a two-stage snow removal system, which is essential for handling deeper snow. The auger first collects the snow and ice, and then the impeller efficiently discharges it through the chute. This dual-action process improves the machine's ability to handle a variety of snow conditions, from light flurries to heavy, packed snow.

User comfort and control are prioritized in the Craftsman 247.37683. The model features adjustable chute direction and throw distance, allowing users to control where the snow will land easily. This is particularly useful for directing snow away from doorways or freshly cleared pathways. The ergonomic handle design adds to the comfort, making prolonged use less strenuous.

Another notable characteristic of this snow blower is its robust construction. Built with durability in mind, the Craftsman 247.37683 is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring longevity and reliability. Its heavy-duty materials mean that it can handle the rigors of regular use during the winter season.

Furthermore, the snow blower comes with user-friendly features like electric start, eliminating the hassle of pull-starting in freezing temperatures. This convenience is especially beneficial for those who may struggle with traditional starting methods in harsh winter conditions.

Overall, the Craftsman 247.37683 snow blower stands out for its powerful performance, durability, and user-centric design. Whether you are dealing with heavy snowfalls or just minor accumulations, this machine is equipped to help you keep your property clear and safe through the winter months. For homeowners looking for an effective snow removal solution, the Craftsman 247.37683 is a solid investment that combines reliability, efficiency, and ease of use.