Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipesandothersources of ignition.

Neverfuelmachineindoorsbecauseflammablevaporswill accumulateinthe area.

Neverremovegas cap oraddfuel whileengineis hotor running. Allowengineto coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling.

Neveroverfill fuel tank.Filltankto nomorethan 1inch below bottomof fillerneckto providefor fuel expansion.


If gasolineis spilled,wipe it offthe engineandequipment.Move machineto anotherarea.Wait5 minutesbeforestartingengine.

Neverstorethe machineorfuel containernearanopenflame, sparkor pilot lightas ona waterheater,spaceheater,furnace, clothesdryer orothergas appliances.

Toreducefirehazard,keepmachinefreeof grass,leaves,or otherdebrisbuild-up.Cleanupoil orfuel spillageand removeany fuelsoakeddebris.

Allowmachineto cool at least5 minutesbeforestoring. GeneralService:

Neverrunanengine indoorsor ina poorlyventilatedarea.Engine exhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,anodorlessanddeadlygas.

Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspecting,makecertainthe bladeandall movingpartshavestopped.Disconnectthe spark plugwireandgroundagainstthe engineto preventunintended starting.

Checkthebladeandenginemountingboltsat frequentintervals for propertightness.Also,visuallyinspectbladefordamage(e.g., bent,cracked,worn)Replacebladewiththe originalequipment manufacture's(O.E.M.)bladeonly, listedin thismanual.Useof partswhichdo notmeetthe originalequipmentspecificationsmay leadto improperperformanceandcompromisesafety!

Mowerbladesare sharpandcan cut. Wrapthe bladeor wear gloves,anduse extracautionwhen servicingthem.

Keepall nuts,bolts,andscrewstightto be suretheequipmentis in safeworkingcondition. Nevertamperwithsafetydevices.Checktheirproperoperation regularly.

Afterstrikinga foreignobject, stopthe engine,disconnectthe sparkplugwireand groundagainstthe engine.Thoroughly inspectthe mowerfor anydamage.Repairthe damagebefore startingandoperatingthe mower.

Neverattemptto makea wheelorcuttingheightadjustmentwhile the engineisrunning.

Grasscatchercomponents,dischargecover,and trailshieldare subjectto wearand damagewhichcouldexposemovingpartsor allowobjectsto bethrown.Forsafetyprotection,frequentlycheck componentsand replaceimmediatelywithoriginalequipment manufacturer's(O.E.M.)partsonly,listed inthis manual.Useof partswhichdo notmeetthe originalequipmentspecificationsmay leadto improperperformanceandcompromisesafety!

Donot changethe engine'sgovernorsettingor over-speedthe engine.Thegovernorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoperatingspeed of the engine.

Checkfuel line,tank,cap,andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracksor leaks.Replaceifnecessary.

Donot crankenginewith sparkplugremoved.

Maintainor replacesafetyand instructionlabels,as necessary.

Observeproperdisposallawsand regulations.Improperdisposal of fluidsandmaterialscan harmthe environment.

Accordingto theConsumerProductsSafetyCommission(CPSC) andthe U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA),this product hasan AverageUsefulLifeof seven(7)years,or 140hoursof operation.At the endof theAverageUsefulLifehavethe machine inspectedannuallyby a Searsorotherqualifiedservicedealer to ensurethatall mechanicalandsafetysystemsareworking properlyand notwornexcessively.Failureto doso can result in accidents,injuriesor death.


Toavoidseriousinjuryor death,do not modifyengine inany way. Tamperingwiththe governorsettingcanleadto a runawayengineand cause itto operateat unsafespeeds.Nevertamperwithfactorysetting of enginegovernor.


EngineswhicharecertifiedtocomplywithCaliforniaandfederal EPAemissionregulationsfor SORE(SmallOff RoadEquipment)are certifiedto operateon regularunleadedgasoline,and mayinclude the followingemissioncontrolsystems:EngineModification(EM) and ThreeWayCatalyst(TWC)ifso equipped.


Thismachineisequippedwithan internalcombustionengineand shouldnotbe usedonor nearany unimprovedforest-covered, brushcoveredor grass-coveredlandunlessthe engine'sexhaust systemisequippedwitha sparkarrestermeetingapplicablelocalor statelaws(if any).

Ifa sparkarresterisused, itshouldbemaintainedin effectiveworking orderby theoperator.Inthe Stateof Californiathe aboveis required bylaw(Section4442of the CaliforniaPublicResourcesCode). Other statesmayhavesimilarlaws. Federallawsapplyonfederallands.

Asparkarresterfor the mufflerisavailablethroughyournearestSears PartsandRepairServiceCenter.

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Craftsman 247.37683 manual Do not Modify Engine, Spark Arrestor

247.37683 specifications

The Craftsman 247.37683 is a versatile and efficient snow blower designed to tackle winter's toughest challenges, making it a reliable choice for homeowners looking to manage snow accumulation effectively. This machine combines innovative technology with practical features that enhance performance and user experience.

One of the standout features of the Craftsman 247.37683 is its powerful 6.5 HP engine. This gas-powered motor provides the necessary force to handle heavy, wet snow, ensuring that you can clear driveways and walkways with ease. The 24-inch clearing width allows for efficient snow removal in fewer passes, making your snow clearing tasks quicker and more efficient.

The snow blower is equipped with a two-stage snow removal system, which is essential for handling deeper snow. The auger first collects the snow and ice, and then the impeller efficiently discharges it through the chute. This dual-action process improves the machine's ability to handle a variety of snow conditions, from light flurries to heavy, packed snow.

User comfort and control are prioritized in the Craftsman 247.37683. The model features adjustable chute direction and throw distance, allowing users to control where the snow will land easily. This is particularly useful for directing snow away from doorways or freshly cleared pathways. The ergonomic handle design adds to the comfort, making prolonged use less strenuous.

Another notable characteristic of this snow blower is its robust construction. Built with durability in mind, the Craftsman 247.37683 is designed to withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring longevity and reliability. Its heavy-duty materials mean that it can handle the rigors of regular use during the winter season.

Furthermore, the snow blower comes with user-friendly features like electric start, eliminating the hassle of pull-starting in freezing temperatures. This convenience is especially beneficial for those who may struggle with traditional starting methods in harsh winter conditions.

Overall, the Craftsman 247.37683 snow blower stands out for its powerful performance, durability, and user-centric design. Whether you are dealing with heavy snowfalls or just minor accumulations, this machine is equipped to help you keep your property clear and safe through the winter months. For homeowners looking for an effective snow removal solution, the Craftsman 247.37683 is a solid investment that combines reliability, efficiency, and ease of use.