_1_ WARNING: Do not allow famiSa_tywith tools to

make you careJess.Remember that a careless fracbon of a second is sufficientto intiict serious


_k WARNING: Always wear safety gogglesor safety glasses with side shields when operating tools. Failureto do so could result in objects being thrown into your eyes, resulting in poasibisserious injury.

_1= WARNING: Do not use any attachments or acoas-

series not recommended by th_ rna_u_oturer of this tool. The use of attachments or accessories not

recommended can result in serlous personalinjury.


You may use this tool for the foUowingpurposes:

Drilling in wood

Drilling in ceramics, plastics, fibergtess,and laminates

Ddlling in metals

Mbdng paint

CAUTION: If at any point during the charging process none of the LEDs are lit, remove the bat- tary pack _'om_e chargerto avoid damaging the product. DO NOT insert another battery.Return the charger and battery to your nearest service center for service or replacement.


The battery pack for this tool has been shippedin a low charge conditionto prevent possible problems.Therefore, you should charge overnight priorto use.

NOTE: Batteries will not reach furl oharge the first time they are charged. Allow several cycles (operationfollowed by recharging]for them to become fully charged.

Charge battery pack only w_ththe charging assembly provided.

Make sure power supply is normal householdvoltage, 120 volts, 60 Hz, AC on_y.

Connect charger to power supply.

Place battery pack in charging stand.Align raised db on bat_eP/pack with groove in chargingstan_. See F/gum 2.

Press down on b_ttsry pack to be'surecontacts on

battery pack engage properlywith contacts in charging stand.

The charge indicator light (LED), located on the charg- ing stand, wi_ I'_ghtup red and glow when the eharger is properly connected to power supply. "Thislight indicates the charger is operating property. It will remain on unbl battery pack is removed from charging stand or charger is disconnectedf_om power supply.

After normaJusage, 3 hours or k_saof charging time is required to hJftyrecharge battery pack.

NOTE; If both red and orange LED ind_caforsglow, the battery pack is deeply or compk=.te0jd(scharged, and 6 hours er longerof chargingtime }s required to fully rechargethebatterypack,

Ifthechargerdoes notcharge_hebatterypack,or the orange LED corr_nuesto glow after more than 30 m_nutes of chsrg'lng,return the battery pack and charg-

ing e.ssemb[yto your nearest Sears Repair Center for electrical check.

The battery packwill become slightlywarm to the touch while charging.This is normal and does not indicate a problem.

mDo not place charger in an area of extreme heat or cold. It wilt work best at normal room temperature.

IIWhen batteries become fully charged, unplug charger from power supply and remove the battery pack.


When using your tool continuously, the batteries In your battery pack will become hot. You should let a hot battery

pack cool down for approximately 30 minutes before attempting to recharge.

NOTE: This situationorgyoccurs when continuoususe of your ddll causes the batteries to become hot. It does not occur under nonT_ circumstances.Refer to =CHARGING

THE BATTERY PACI_ for normal recharg]ng of battedes. If the chargingaasembly does not charge your battery pack under normal circumstances,return both the battery pack and chargingassembly to your nearest Sears Repair Center for electrical check.


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Image 10
Craftsman 315.11534, 350 manual Applications, Charging the BAI-IERY Pack