Craftsman 917.289244 owner manual Agreguegasolina

Models: 917.289244

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Llene el estanque de combustible.Llene hastalaparteinferiordelcuelloderellenodel

estanquedegasolinaNoIoIlenedemasiado.. Usegasolinaregular,sin plomo,nuevay lim- piaconel minimode 87 octanos.(Elusode gasolinaconplomoaumentaralosdep6sitos de 6xidode plomoy carbonoy sereducir_la, duraci6nde la valvula). Nomezcleel aceite conlagasolina.Paraasegurarquelagasolina utilizadasea fresca compreestanqueslos cualespuedanserutilizadosdurantelosprim- eros30 dias.

_PREOAUCI6N: Limpieelaceiteoelcombus- tible derramadoNo. almacene,derrameo use

gasolinacercadeunallamaexpuesta. IMPORTANTE:Cuandose opereen tempera- turaspordebajode32°F(0°C)usegasolinade inviernolimpiay nuevaparaauedara asegurar un buenarra,nqueen climafrio. PRECAUOION:Combustiblesmezcladoscon

alcohol(conocidoscomogasohol,o el uso de etanolo metanol)puedenatraer la humedad, la queconducea la separaci6ny formaci6nde _tcidosduranteel almacenamientoLagasolina. acidicapuededaflarel sistemadelcombustible de un motorduranteel almacenamientoPara.

evitarlosproblemasconelmotor,sedebevaciar elsistemadecombustibleantesdeguardarlopor unperiodode30 diaso mas.Vacieel estanque decombustible,hagaarrancarel motory hagalo funcionarhastaquelaslineasdelcombustibley el carburadorquedenvados.Lapr6ximatemporada use combustiblenuevo.Yea las Instrucciones

parael Almacenamientoparam_.sinformaci6n. Nuncauseproductosdelimpiezaparael motoro paraelcarburadorenelestanquedelcombustible puessepuedenproducirdaflospermanentes.


AI hacerarrancarel motorporla primeravezo si se ha acabadoel combustibledel motor,se necesitaratiempoparael arranqueextrapara moverel combustibledesdeel estanquehasta el motor.

1.AsegOresequeel controlde ruedalibreeste en la posici6nenganchada.

2.Sientaseen el sill6nen la posici6nde oper- aci6n,suelteel pedaldel frenoy pongael frenodeestacionamiento.

3.Mueva el embrague del accesorio a la posici6ndesenganchadodisengaged.

4.Mueva el control de la aceleraci6na la posici6nde rapido.

5.Tireelcontroldeestrangulaci6nlaposici6n de estrangulaci6nparael arranquede un motorfrio.Parael arrancarunmotorcaliente

el usodelcontroldelaestrangulaci6npuede quenoseanecesario.

AVlSO:Antesdearrancar,lealas instrucciones siguientesparael arranqueen climafrioy tem- plado.

6.Insertela Ilaveen la ignici6ny girela Ilave enel sentidoquegiranlasmanillasdelreloj a la posici6nde arranquestart,y sueltela Ilavetanprontocomoarranqueel motor.No hagafuncionarel arrancadorcontinuamente potmasde quincesegundosporminuto.Si elmotornoarrancadespuesdevariosinten- tarlos,muevael controldela estrangulaci6n haciaadentro,espereunoscuantosminutosy tratedenuevoSielmotorsiguesinfuncionar,.

estiredelcontrolde laestrangulaci6ny trate denuevo.


7.Cuandoarranqueel motor,empujeel control delaestrangulaci6nhastaqueelmotoremp- ieceafuncionarmassuavementeSielmotor. empiezaafuncionarmal,estiredelcontrolde la estrangulaci6nun pocopor unoscuantos segundosy entoncescontinuea empujar lentamenteel control.

Losaccesoriosy el embraguedesueloahora puedesetutilizadosSielmotornoaceptaesta. carga,vuelvaa arrancarel motorparaper- mitirlequesecalientepotunminuto,utilizando el estranguladorcomodescribidoarriba.


7.Cuandoarranqueel motor,empujelentamente el controlde la estrangulaci6nhaciaadentro hasta que el motor empiece a funcionar suavementeSigaempujandolopocoa. poco permitiendoque el motoraceptepequeflos cambiosdevelocidady carga,hastaqueeste completamentehaciaadentro.Si el motor empiezaafuncionarmal,estiredelcontrolde la estrangulaci6nun pocopor unoscuantos

segundosy continOeaempujarelcontrolhacia adentro.Estopuederequerirqueel motorse calientepot unoscuantosminutos,depende

de latemperatura.


Antesde conducirlaunidadenuntiempofrio, la transmisi6ndebesercalentadacomolasinstruc-


1.AsegOresequeeltractorestesituadoenuna superficienivelada.

2.Alivieelfrenodeestacionamientoy dejeque elfrenovuelvaa la posici6ndeoperaci6n.

3.Permitaquelatransmisi6nsecalientedurante un minuto.Estopuedeset echoduranteel


Losaccesoriospuedenserutilizadosduranteel periododelrecalentamientodelmotordespues quelatransmisi6nhallasidocalentaday puede requerirqueelcontroldelaestrangulaci6nsea estiradounpoco.

AVlSO:Si se encuentraa muchaaltura(sobre 3000pies)o en climafrio (pordebajode 32°F 0°C),la mezcladel combustibledelcarburador debeserajustadaparael mejorrendimientodel

motor.(Vea"PARAAJUSTAREL CARBURA- DOR"en la secci6nde Servicioy Ajustesde



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Craftsman 917.289244 owner manual Agreguegasolina

917.289244 specifications

The Craftsman 917.289244 is a highly regarded lawn tractor that combines reliability and performance, making it an excellent choice for homeowners with moderate to large-sized lawns. This model stands out due to its robust build, user-friendly design, and versatile features.

One of the key characteristics of the Craftsman 917.289244 is its powerful engine. This tractor typically features a 17.5-horsepower Briggs & Stratton engine, delivering ample power to tackle various mowing tasks efficiently. The engine also includes technologies such as automatic choke, which simplifies starting procedures, enabling users to get the job done without hassle.

The cutting deck on the Craftsman 917.289244 is another notable feature. With a 42-inch cutting width, it allows for swift mowing while ensuring an even cut across your lawn. The deck's height can be adjusted, providing users with the flexibility to choose the desired grass length, accommodating different types of grass and seasonal requirements.

Equipped with a hydrostatic transmission, this lawn tractor offers smooth and easy operation. The hydrostatic drive allows for variable speed control, enabling users to maneuver the tractor effortlessly across varying terrains. This technology ensures that the rider can focus on mowing without worrying about shifting gears, making the experience more enjoyable.

Comfort is also a priority in the design of the Craftsman 917.289244. The adjustable seat is padded and provides a suitable level of support for extended periods of use. The ergonomic steering wheel is designed for ease of handling, reducing operator fatigue during lengthy mowing sessions.

Additionally, this model includes convenient features such as a built-in cup holder, providing users with a place to keep their beverages while they work. The easy-access external fuel tank simplifies refueling, allowing for quick stops during longer mowing tasks.

In terms of storage and maintenance, the Craftsman 917.289244 is designed to be user-friendly. Its durable construction, coupled with accessible components, makes maintenance straightforward. With a comprehensive manual available, users can perform necessary upkeep to ensure longevity and peak performance.

Overall, the Craftsman 917.289244 is a well-rounded lawn tractor that successfully combines power, comfort, and practicality. Its impressive features and technologies make it a reliable choice for homeowners looking to maintain their lawns effectively. With thoughtful design elements and efficient performance, it stands out as a versatile lawn care solution.