CyberResearch® Displays


2.3.2 Panel Mounting the Monitor

1.Panel cutout is 356mm H x 440mm W for landscape installation (Figure 6).

2.Install CYRAQ in panel cutout. Ensure all studs clear cutout opening and Porongasket on the rear of the unit is flush against panel (critical for NEMA compliance).

3NOTE: Steps 3 & 4 require a second person

3.Align studs on the CYRAQ with the holes in mounting plate from the rear of panel (as seen in Figure 6).


Do not exceed 30 in/lbs when tightening mounting nuts.

4.Also from rear of the panel, second person must install and tighten the fourteen 10-32 mounting nuts.

Figure 6: Panel-Mount Landscape Installation

CyberResearch, Inc.


25 Business Park Drive

P: (203) 483-8815; F: (203) 483-9024

Branford, CT USA