Document #: 38-08001 Rev. *B Page 46 of 51
DAC Interface
Rup DAC Pull-up Resistance (typical 14 kΩ) 8.0 24.0 kΩ
Isink0(0) DAC[7:2] Sink current (0) Vout = 2.0V DC 0.1 0.3 mA
Isink0(F) DAC[7:2] Sink current (F) Vout = 2.0V DC 0.5 1.5 mA
Isink1(0) DAC[1:0] Sink current (0) Vout = 2.0V DC 1.6 4.8 mA
Isink1(F) DAC[1:0] Sink current (F) Vout = 2.0V DC 8 24 mA
Irange Programmed Isink Ratio: max/min Vout = 2.0V DC[6] 46
Tratio Tracking Ratio DAC[1:0] to DAC[7:2] Vout = 2.0V[7] 14 22
IsinkDAC DAC Sink Current Vout = 2.0V DC 1.6 4.8 mA
Ilin Differential Nonlinearity DAC Port[8] 0.6 LSB
24.0 Switching Characteristics (fOSC = 6.0 MHz)
Parameter Description Min. Max. Unit
Clock Source
fOSC Clock Rate 6 ±0.25% MHz
tcyc Clock Period 166.25 167.08 ns
tCH Clock HIGH time 0.45 tCYC ns
tCL Clock LOW time 0.45 tCYC ns
USB Full Speed Signaling[9]
trfs Transition Rise Time 4 20 ns
tffs Transition Fall Time 4 20 ns
trfmfs Rise / Fall Time Matching; (tr/tf) 90 111 %
tdratefs Full Speed Date Rate 12 ±0.25% Mb/s
DAC Interface
tsink Current Sink Response Time 0.8 µs
HAPI Read Cycle Timing
tRD Read Pulse Width 15 ns
tOED OE LOW to Data Valid[10, 11] 40 ns
tOEZ OE HIGH to Data High-Z[11] 20 ns
tOEDR OE LOW to Data_Ready Deasserted[10, 11] 060ns
HAPI Write Cycle Timing
tWR Write Strobe Width 15 ns
tDSTB Data Valid to STB HIGH (Data Set-up Time)[11] 5ns
tSTBZ STB HIGH to Data High-Z (Data Hold Time)[11] 15 ns
tSTBLE STB LOW to Latch_Empty Deasserted[10, 11] 050ns
Timer Signals
twatch Watchdog Timer Period 8.192 14.336 ms
6. Irange: Isinkn(15)/ Isinkn(0) for the same pin.
7. Tratio = Isink1[1:0](n)/Isink0[7:2](n) for the same n, programmed.
8. Ilin measured as largest step size vs. nominal according to measured full scale and zero programmed values.
9. Per Table 7-6 of revision 1.1 of USB specification.
10. For 25-pF load.
11. Assumes chip select CS is asserted (LOW).
23.0 Electrical Characteristics (continued)
fOSC = 6 MHz; Operating Temperature = 0 to 70°C, VCC = 4.0V to 5.25V
Parameter Description Conditions Min. Max. Unit
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